A Few On Line Business Ideas On Blogging

The amount of on line business ideas that deal with blogging is astronomical, just like the number of blogs that are out there now and coming on board every day. Blogging has taken over the internet; I am still trying to make up my mind if this is a good or bad thing for the internet. If nothing else, with all the free web blog platforms out there, it is even easier to get up and functioning on the internet. I use to think the more the merrier, now I have changed my mind on that. Blogs are taking the place of what I call real web sites, and this now means that blogs are competing with web sites that are meant to be internet businesses.

Blogging was meant to be a way for people, usually individuals to have their views known and to allow those views to be on the internet, a worth while goal, initially. Now blogging has taken on a whole new meaning, it has become a business vehicle, and an empty one at that. The on line business ideas about blogging have taken on a whole new meaning, at least for the scammers. The pitch is, start up a blog, ad some ads to it, and wait for the traffic to come, there are not any more than empty holes in the internet with some ads and affiliates on them, a sad excuse for a web site. Unfortunately, blogging is following in the foots steps of niche marketing for taking what was once a good to great idea and  turning it into mush.

The problem with blogging and niche marketing is that they have reduced a good idea, taken out the heart and guts and turned them into empty holes with a few ads and affiliates to them, and nothing else.  My on line business ideas about blogging are based on the fact that anyone can set up a blog on anything and that has and will continue to lead to the fact that they are clogging up the internet and are not providing a single bit of useful or new content.

That leads me to the moral problem I am faced with each day, he writing of material like the one you are reading now, pure utter worthless slop, all in the name of getting a higher page rank. Writing this is like the pot calling the kettle, I should be ashamed of myself.

Bryan Beckstead has been working with people who want to own their own businesses for over 30 years. Today, owning and operating a business you can operate from home is a dream of a great many people. For tips and insights to help you start your own Internet Home Business, visit Learn2Earn2

You can contact Bryan at [email protected]