If some one has some internet business training that can solve this problem, please get a hold of me and tell me where I can get it. Part of my dilemma is the article you are reading right now, this article as well as the other 300 or more I will write this month. I use the word article lightly, I am not sure it qualifies to be considered an article. I have been told by an “expert “self titled, that the way to build my web site is to get back links to it. I think most of us have heard that and that alone is probably right, what causes my dilemma is the way I am supposed to do it.

The routine goes something like this, I am suppose to comprise a 400 word original article about something related to an article I already have on the web site I an trying to improve. One of those original 400 word articles is this one, basically it is a piece of what I call pabulum, it lacks any real value, it imparts nothing, it reads like slop, the only redeeming value it has is from the potential back link back to my web site.

The material on my “ real “ web site is varying from good to great to the odd flash of excellence. I would never put something like this, or the other articles I put on what I call feeder sites, on my real site.  These feeder site articles are there to point back to my real site and to get a back link, something I need in great quantities if I want to be successful on the internet.

internet business training that I am currently getting says this is the way to build a web site, at least from the SEO point of view. Where I am having difficulty in is the point of writing these articles, with the chance of someone actually reading them to be slim and none. The word around here is, in regards to being concerned about the quality, why bother, no one is going to read them anyway. The expert who is showing me his version of the ropes actually said about the feeder site articles, “ perhaps the person reading them may get some value from “, how generous, they MAY get some value out of them.!

I am not sure any amount of
internet business training is going to help me on this one.

Bryan Beckstead has been working with people who want to own their own businesses for over 30 years. Today, owning and operating a business you can operate from home is a dream of a great many people. For tips and insights to help you start your own Internet Home Business, visit Learn2Earn2