On Line Business Ideas About Guest Blogging And Their Value For Link Building

Most on line business ideas about guest blogging, G.B. are very positive in regards to the benefit you can realize from this activity. They tend to over look the amount of time and effort that can be spent in this area and that gives me pause for concern. I have found that the skill set of the average person who is attempting to make money on line to be wanting, a nice way of saying; their skills are not where they should or could be.

The reality is that people come onto the internet with an over inflated view of their skills, and then have compounded that error by underestimating the complexity of doing business on the internet, that is a bad combination to have and a worse place to be than you can possibly imagine. I deal with people who want to establish an internet home business all of the time, and I see this particular two part disaster far too often.

G.B. is an area that sounds great, post a post on some one else’s blog and then wait for the traffic to roll in and the link you get to jump you up in page rank. If it was all that easy, we all would be rich! The reality is this, G.B. is a very time intensive task, and in the end, the return is questionable. The on line business ideas about G.B. do not deal enough with the time it takes to get set up, post, etc, and then the returns are very hard to track.

Two things we can hang are hat on, one is the potential traffic from the back link, and the second is the back link itself. One we can usually count one, the other is always the wild card. The potential traffic is iffy at best, and tracking it is very difficult, the back links are more reliable and you can see if you have a link or not, no problem there.

I personally bank on the on line business ideas that deal with the value of the back links, at least with the back links, you can see them, track them and they are permanently there, you will always get credit for them from the search engines. Unless you are on a monster blog, the traffic that comes from the lower page rank blogs will not be sufficient to pay for the time it takes for you to post.

Bryan Beckstead has been working with people who want to own their own businesses for over 30 years. Today, owning and operating a business you can operate from home is a dream of a great many people. For tips and insights to help you start your own Internet Home Business, visit Learn2Earn2

You can contact Bryan at [email protected]