Online Business Ideas About Article Marketing

Normal 0 Is there such a thing as new online business ideas about article marketing? Article marketing, A.M., is such a sacred cow among the am industry that getting new or frees ideas on the topic is rare. My views on A.M. are shared by more people than you may think, due to the fact that the majority of online business ideas about A.M. are put out there by the am industry, which is huge by the way.


When evaluating what someone says, you first should pay close attention to who they are and particularly to whether they have anything to gain financially from what they say. I am do going to make a cent from my views about A.M., and I am not some sort of shill for any other site that makes money off or from my views on A.M., I am simply writing this to give you a heads up on what really happens when you write and submit an article.


A.M. is very profitable for the people in the A.M. industry, not for the people who support and pay the industry. This is how this scam works: you, the owner of a small independent internet home business web site, you write an article, you then pay some one to submit it for you, and then you are suppose to be over run with traffic, all resulting from the one article you wrote. The scenario goes like this, at the bottom of your article, there is an authors box, in that box is a link back to your site, people read your article, click on your link and you have a visitor back to your site.


The problem with this picture is this; there are millions and millions of articles being submitted, each day to the article directories, whom  is going to take the time to read your free article, among the millions being submitted out there? The internet is a numbers games, online business ideas and articles, are a dime a dozen, in fact, a dime a million, we are being drowned in the sheer volume of information out there.


A.M. was a good idea, about 5 years ago, then the business community discovered that the search engines gave a fair bit of value to the number of back links to our internet home business web sites, when that happened, that was the end of articles being submitted for the value of the article and the start of the am industry for the pursuit of back links to our sites.  It’s a viscous circle we find ourselves in, we want to have web sites we can be proud of, and then we find ourselves doing things that we know are not good for the internet, because we need to get the almighty powerful traffic and page ranks.

Normal 0 Bryan Beckstead has been working with Internet Home Businesses and Home Business Opportunities for the last 20 years. For more articles on Internet Home Businesses, visit Learn2Earn2